Friday, August 2, 2013

Shoulder Surgery.... and MANY random thoughts... Free form. No editing!

So, I decided to start a blog. I have a myriad of subjects always on my brain. I'm not sure anyone other than my beautiful significant other (Niki) cares about what I have to say... I don't care. I'll post nonsensical ravings, suggestions, observations, etc., about my daily life (well.... our daily life).

So, since this is my debut blog, I'll talk a little bit about myself. Odd, but I generally don't do this... A proverb I heard when I was very young keeps me tight lipped: 

Better to Remain Silent and Be Thought a Fool than to Speak and Remove All Doubt

But I digest, here we go. It's your chance to back out now!

I have lived a full life, well, a couple of lives if I think too much about it. I've been a lowly grunt, washing cars for a auto rental on a Naval base in Jacksonville, FL. I was born in Texas, grew up in FL (well, I've actually never really grown up), and spent more than half my life (so far) in San Diego. I've ran a medical company pedaling cardiovascular specialists to various hospitals in southern California. I've owned a very profitable metal polishing company. I started a hot rod shop with nothing more than a lift I bought for a highly discounted price and a small space and built it to a very well known shop only to have it crash around me when my wife of 7 years (well, 2 years at the time, but we were together for 7 years) decided I wasn't around enough to keep her occupied (more on that sometime down the line, I'm sure). I've labored alone, by myself to remodel a house. I've driven, and raced extremely high powered race cars on many tracks in various cities around the world. I've met presidents (two, exactly, George Bush, and Ronald Reagan). I've played a baritone saxophone on the field of the old Hoosier Dome in Indiana. I've met rock stars, movie stars, racing stars, people that have mapped the human DNA sequence, people that have helped get shuttles into space (I've actually been to a shuttle launch and witnessed the Challenger explosion). I've met people from every walk of life, huge RICH CEO's of GM and Chrysler. I've met people that clean the shit out of public stalls for a living. At one point when I was growing up, I was so introverted that people thought that I was a mute. I have done background checks on Tony Robbins. I've been in a P3 Orion, I've witnessed (on many occasions) open heart surgery. I have artwork that is scattered throughout the world. I have built things that NASA uses.

Okay, now that some of that is off my chest... 

Now then, my recent surgery. I had been working at a metal fabrication shop, had an accident, tore up my left shoulder. Over a year and half later of fighting with the insurance company, I finally got to get my surgery. I had been in the medical field for a little while, my mom all my life (so far) so I know generally what is what. I had been to many doctors, to see what they think was wrong in there, many speculations, many tests, an extremely uncomfortable MRI and still boiled down to getting in there, rooting around like a rat terrier in a garden to see the cause of my pain and agony. As I sit here with bloody gauze's (most of which fell out of the foam "bandaging" the first time I tried to take a shower, "Don't get the dressings wet, other than that, you'll be fine", the nurse tells me, sure... That was a lot of fun, you never realize just how much you do with one appendage until it's slightly immobile...) and foam shoulder pad, not really hopped up on Vicodin or Percocet (However, WISHING, I was... Don't get me wrong, I've taken them, however, I don't think the dosage is enough for me to really feel them, just take the edge off the pain, which they have), thanking the swift hand of my great surgeon, cause I can already feel much of the tension that was causing huge stress headaches on a daily basis abating, even while I get sharp stabbing pains in the healing wounds. While I don't know the findings, or the happenings during the surgery, I do feel it will greatly help, will it completely heal my wounds? I suppose only time will tell.

Well, the second Percocet is kicking in (thankfully!), I'll be turning in now.

I hope you enjoyed my ramblings, if so, please subscribe (I'm sure there's a subscribe button somewhere), and I'm sure you'll get a kick out of my musings, or maybe infuriated, or maybe just learn something about me that completely surprises the shit out of you.

If you actually read this far, I honestly thank you from the bottom of my cold heart. PEACE!

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